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August 29, 2011

The Power of Words

I was shopping at Michael's in the dollar section and came across this funny set of coasters. I purchased them, they were only a dollar after all. Here is what they said:

This was probably the least sarcastic one of all the different products with cute little 50's style women doing household chores with witty comments. I put my coaster next to my bed that night, giggling.

Days passed by and everyday I looked at that coaster I really started thinking. I am not like this coaster at all. In fact, I do enjoy keeping my home and cooking for my children and making this a comfortable, safe place for my family to relax. Some days I do not feel like doing it and some things fall to the wayside.Some days aren't perfect, but those days are just another day of learning and growing in God's word. The more and more I thought about the words on the coaster, a scripture came to mind:

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

I had never thought about the coasters that way. I just thought they were funny. God clearly is doing a work in my heart to make me think differently. I am not saying that as Christians, we cannot laugh and make funny jokes sometimes, but looking at that coaster everyday, really got me thinking. I have such a wonderful, blessed life. I could be homeless, out of food, no heat or a bed to sleep on at night. To someone who is going through that, they might see that coaster and be saddened. I understand that this is probably a "heavy" discussion over a coaster, but if you think deeply and ask God to help you understand more deeper, these kinds of things kind of catch you by surprise. I did not intend to offend anyone when I purchased these, but maybe my husband would feel badly if he read it and took it to heart.

We never want to cause any ill will or harm by our words, but the fact is, WORDS ARE POWERFUL and they can hurt even when we aren't meaning to. I know how it feels to be on both sides of words. I have said things that I did not intend to hurt or harm. One thing we can do to humble ourselves is when we find out that we might have offended someone with words we have used, is to apologize. Our Pastor spoke about this in church yesterday, and he made a very well put point. When we humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness and put our pride aside, we will be respected and looked up to even more. It is hard sometimes, since this world is cruel. I have had a lot of words said to me over the passed two years and I have finally let most of them go. Holding them in just make life miserable. Give that up to God. Don't wait until tomorrow or the next day, if you can just pray and ask Him to carry your load, He will. He always does.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

So, just my thought for today.Remember that words are powerful.

A wise family member once shared that with me...I have never forgotten that.


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