"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."
Matthew 5:6
What a great thing to hunger for. I hunger for a lot of things in life. Success for my children, my love for my husband, but do we remember to hunger and thirst for righteousness? Sometimes it is easy to just go along our day and just put God to the side until the end. When I do that on those days, I feel empty. This scripture says that if we hunger and thirst for Him, we will be filled. How wonderful is that! Now if we can just live by this verse. As my oldest son turns 17 this month, I am reminded that we have just a short time here on this earth. How do you want to spend your short time here? I want to make an impact. I want to serve Him with all of my heart, my mind, my soul and my strength. I want my children to do the same. I just pray that they will and always will. We want our children to be filled with good food and ideas for their future, but don't forget this scripture. The most important thing to be filled with, Him.
God is so good. Have a great rest of the week.